ceramicist, actor, nanny, fool

Kit Grindeland

About KIT

Kit Grindeland (they/he) is a trans-nonbinary renaissance goblin. They throw, paint, sculpt, act, teach, write, and everything in between.

In past lives they’ve toured nationally/regionally as an actor/educator/electrician with Olney Theatre and New Repertory Theatre, worked as a dinosaur educator at the Franklin Park Zoo, taught theatre to students age 5-90, set designed, hand-made beaded curtains, scooped ice cream, managed box offices, and whatever else. Favorite on stage roles have included murderers, dogs, aliens, and the occasional human. Favorite off-stage roles include babysitter, pottery nerd, and clown.

Since 2020 Kit has returned to visual arts, and is currently potting/sculpting in Northampton, MA. Their work is sold through The Dover Moon General Store in Vermont, and through commissions and their instagrams, @goblinhands. They also paint pet portraits and are open for pet portrait commissions.