Rasputin, LIVE! is the beginning of Grigori Rasputin’s 21st Century Comeback Tour. Born in 1869, he started as a bottom and now he’s here, became immortal sometime during the Russian Revolution, and came to help you (yes, YOU!) live longer, love better, and dance like nobody is watching. Famed through all of Russia, Rasputin holds the secrets to self-love and zumba, the power of dance and potatoes, and the sweet sweet release of finding your weird and horny little self.

Rasputin, LIVE! is next performing at The Wilbury Theatre Group as created and performed by Kit Grindeland. Show dates are October 2nd and 9th at 7pm, the year of our sexy lord 2024, at 475 Valley Street, Providence, Rhode Island. Don’t bring your kids. Tickets on sale SOON.

All pictures below are credited to Sarah Moretti, James Lastowski, Erin X. Smithers, and friends and fam at The Wilbury Theatre Group.